Sunday, August 11, 2024

You're a Scream!

I have to thank Carol for inspiring my Halloween cards - it gets harder every year to come up with a fresh Halloween/birthday card for my oldest friend ... and I NEVER will let her forget she's seven days older than me - and yes, she is a scream... and the only one I'd 'customize' paper for...

Do you see them?  Okay, Tom didn't either.  I added the eyes to some fun 
EH toner paper for my take on Munch's The Scream.
Sometimes my humor is very subtle...

This image was MADE for JUGS #739!

OR maybe this one will be better?

I guess you'll just have to go see for yourself which one made it to their gallery!  While you're there, maybe add one of your own framed cards?
=] Michele


Nance said...

Oh my goodness! That's a scream! hahaha. I see them! How long did that take you to make all those spooky eyes? Beautiful elegant spookish cards.

lostinpaper said...

Ah SCREAM!! I could never do scary movies, give me a comedy, rom-com, action or sci-fi any time lol. I know your friend will love it!

Lisa Elton said...

She must be a very special friend to merit ALL of those little eyes! It was worth the time because this is adorable! Love both of your framed creations, thanks for sharing with us at JUGs. Why not enter both!

TK said...

YOU'RE the scream, Michele, you keep us entertained with your fa-boo-lous cards every day! So cute!

Jeanne said...

I noticed those screamers right away, Michele. Faboooolous cards! I'd scream in delight if I received one. Hee, hee. Thanks for sharing.

Stephanie Lanzalotto said...

HA! I saw them right away, you brilliant thing, you. I LOVE both of these. And I LOVE that scream sentiment. When I saw your prior ghostly card, I ordered that press plste set right away. Found it on Amazon for a fa-boo-lous price. I can wait till my plates come today!!!

Marcia Hill said...

You certainly have more patience than I do to add all those eyes to the dsp Michele, but it sure does make for a SCREAM of a card!! And I'm sure your "oldest" friend will LOVE it!! I like both versions...they frame boo-tifully!! Hugs. :0)

Cat Craig said...

You sure are a clever gal, love that you added the eyes. These are all fabulous cards Michele.

Kathy said...

I saw those scary faces! I so enjoy seeing the cards you come up with, though recently I haven’t had bunches of time to comment. Today I will, as I really enjoy the Frames idea and how you interpreted it. I’ve got that Altenew frame from a while back….May use it for the grandsons’ Halloween cards this year. Off to get to my loads of washing fun today?

Bobby said...

I have a friend with a Halloween birthday too, Michele, and I have trouble coming up with ideas. You solved your problem in such a fun way. Either card would work. Thanks for sharing one with us at Just Us Girls.

Linda Callahan said...

I noticed all of those screamers right away! Totally fun backdrop! Wonderful cards for Halloween!

Sue VanDeVusse said...

I love this! So creative to add the eyes for your scream inspired background and the framed ghost is perfect for this. Thanks for playing along with us at JUGS!

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog

Carol said...

This "scream" card is so good with the framed ghost on that customized paper!!! What a fun card! So glad you made it for our frame challenge. It's my fave of the three you made, but the others are cool too! Thanks for playing with us at JUGS!

Birgit said...

Cute, cute Michele! Leave it to you to think of something so clever as to add all those little eyes to enhance your background. Both sentiments are fa-boo-lous!

Bonnie said...

I saw those eyes, but then you gave us a good hint. Such a fun Halloween Birthday card! Love the framed ghost too. My friend bought some Halloween BP plates to leave here. I need to check and see if this is one of them so I can CASE these.

Leslie Miller said...

I see the screams and I love 'em! It was so fun catching up today, Michele! I've swooned over everything from the last 22 days. I'm so behind, sorry!

Vikki H said...

Fabulous scares and eyes! These are so adorable.