Friday, May 31, 2024

Freshly Made Sketches #638

If you have that Spellbinders Fresh Anemone set, you know that the dies cut in sets of three - you know me well enough to know that there is no flower left behind from my playtime yesterday! 

I'll be sending this one over to Freshly Made Sketches #638 - Narelle's sketch is a good one!
Here is my rendition using that little leftover Anemone:

my friend Two Ls sent me a bunch of these embossed panels. 
EF unidentified - sorry.

And just like that, it's Friday!  Hope you have a wonderful crafty weekend!
=] Michele


Bonnie said...

What a great place to grow this single anemone, Michele! I'm glad she is the star of this card and not left behind! Great embossed background for her too!

Bobby said...

Great way to show off that extra bloom, Michele, and what wonderful polka dots. ;D

lostinpaper said...

Our motto, may no flower go to waste! Too cute Michele!

Lisa Elton said...

More polka dot goodness and a super sweet embossed panel! Cute card, Michele!

Marcia Hill said...

Your "leftover" flower definitely went to good use and worked perfectly for the sketch challenge...LOVE it!! Hugs. :0)

TK said...

Sweet card, tag and "leftovers" - haha! Really cute, One L

Cat Craig said...

Isn't it great when one cutting yields many opportunities? Fantastic take on the sketch, Michele.

Jeanne said...


Leslie Miller said...

Pretty with the polka dots and a perfect design for the sketch! All backed up by the cute embossed kraft base. Great stuff, Michele!

HilaryJane said...

I have been busy for a few days and have missed a few posts. I have just had a look through what I missed and have decided to leave a message on this one because it is my favourite. Love all those dots xx

Linda Callahan said...

Sweet sweet card - and I just love tp say the word anemone.....

Amy O said...

I love the embossing and the sweet flower on this pretty card. Thanks for joining us at Freshly Made Sketches this week!

Cécile RIBON said...

Gorgeous card, Michele! This color palette is so classy! Thanks so much for joining is this week's FMS party