Friday, May 17, 2024

Freshly Made Sketches #636

Cecile has a really fun Sketch #636 for us at Freshly Made Sketches!  I've had this idea in my brain for ages - it might work with her Sketch!  We'll soon find out!  I took Cecile's arrows and Kim's use of fish to bring it together!  I can almost hear my non-fish-loving friend Linda groaning!

Inside: Dad, you always had a fun way of keeping us IN LINE!

Yes, ANOTHER bit of fishing folly for Father's Day!  I wish my dad were still around - he might get a kick out of this one.

That 'reel' is actually one of the Hands of Time die set from PTI.  The arrows are AGES old from a Dynamics/MFT die set called Lead the Way!  Now.  If you look REALLY closely, you'll find a fly on the end of my line - cut from that sweet SU paper that my friend sent me - the square of 'ticking', too!  The trickiest part was actually loading the 'line' on my fly-reel!  

There, I can put that design to rest!  Thanks, Cecile!  and thanks to all of you, too - have a crafty weekend!
=] Michele


Bonnie said...

This is reely clever, Michele! I spotted the lure right off. I'll call this a very allureing card, my friend. I love how your mind works!

LeAnne said...

WOW! I am floored! You've outdone yourself here, Michele, and it's not even FLORAL!~ How clever!

lostinpaper said...

Such a clever design and perfect for those 'fisherpeople' in our life! ps rocking those neutrals my friend.

TK said...

I'm tellin' ya - your mind is amazing, Michele! So many outside-the-box ideas, and this is definitely one of the best! What a great card

donna mikasa said...

I LOVE how your brain works! Such a clever and creative take on the sketch and I'm pretty sure Cécile would agree!

Cat Craig said...

Such a fun and fabulous card.

Jeanne said...

Oh my goodness! This is fantastic Michele. Every detail is just perfeection. Thank you for sharing your creativity. It's a joy to see what you create!

Barb Best said...

That's a great card!!! I love it!!

Leslie Miller said...

Winner winner, fish for dinner! This is one of your most clever cards ever, Michele! The arrows, the reel, the ticking... I love it all! I noticed the fly right off and I give you extra credit for using all that string in the reel. Fantastic!

Bobby said...

I'm glad you finally had all the things you needed to bring your idea to life, Michele. And what a clever idea it was.

Lisa Elton said...

To be that little 'fly' on your wall... this is crazy creative and oodles of FUN!

Karen Dunbrook said...

so cool!
x Karen

Linda Callahan said...

Oh so clever for sure! This could be my favorite fishing card you have ever made - perhaps because there is not a fish in dad was a fisherman and his fishing poles hang on the wall at our camp to this day....

Karren said...

Well, this is a bit clever! How on earth did your clever brain come up with this? Fabulous!

Cécile RIBON said...

Wow this is such a fabulous masculine card, so very classy! The use of arrows is a brilliant way to interpret the sketcj. Thanks so much for joining us at FMS this week.