I Card Everyone - the blog!
I loved re-reading that first post and realized that, though my cards have evolved, I haven't changed much about how I share, what I share - the best part? I'm enjoying it more each day =]
Thank you to those of you who welcomed me so sweetly to this blogging world - I see some familiar faces/names in the comments that first day, and I love that you still stop by and leave me love, and encouragement, as I do for you. But oh-so-many of you have become true friends as well.
I've said it before, but it bears repeating: you have all enriched my life with kindness, shared with me your beautiful creations, and given me a sense of fellowship I've never know before.
Here are a few of my favorites, if you don't mind hangin' out with me for few minutes more?
Called: Tears of a Clown
This one had us all moving into this little neighborhood - so much fun to dream of!

This card - a CASE study in Debby Hughes - received the most visits - 503!
I kind of miss my window photos!
Well this just about sums it up!
Thank you, thank you, and merci - to you all!
An extra-special thanks to Debby Hughes who said "you can do this!" and to Chaitali Narla who held my hand, helped me through the rough spots, and wrote the very first
I Card Everyone comment!
One year.
That's awesome and quite frankly I'm so glad that you started this journey. You certainly have enriched my life...your style, your kindness, your humor...everything about you!
Happy Blogaversary My Friend.
Happy Blogaversary, my friend! I'm so glad you are out here in this wonderful world! It's been a joy to get to know you, and to see all of your amazing creations. I look forward to meeting you in person one of these days - for realzies! WooHoo!!!!! : ) Bev
Gosh had it been a year already??! Your work is fantastic! Glad you started the blog!! Happy blogoversary my friend!
Yay, congrats on your bloggin-versary! You are awesome my friend ❤️
Michele! Happy 1 year blogaversary! So exciting...and how time flies when you are having fun! Your posts are always so positive and happy and uplifting...you are a natural! I still have a card you sent me sitting on my windowsill near my computer...it brings me such joy to look at it and it makes me think of you! You are also the first blogger friend to ever CALL me! I still get giddy when I think of that phone call! I wish you many more happy years of blogging...you know I'll be visiting!
Many congratulations Michelle on your one year blogaversary! it's incredible how time flies isn't it? I love your creations, they are always so stunning in their simplicity! Here's to the next 256 days! I hope they're as good to you as the last 256! Have a lovely week! Hazel xx
Congrats MIchele, so pleased you took the leap. It was Lynn who introduced me to card making and encouraged me to start a blog and we don't look back, do we!!
I had to go back and read that first post. I wasn't one to comment that day and I don't remember when I first saw your blog but I was a follower immediately. I'm so glad you started and had help along the way. I just muddled through mine. You've inspired me to go back and take a look and blog about my anniversary coming up the end of the month. So to my newest BFFR, (blogging friend for real), Happy Blogaverary, Michele! I can't wait to see where the next year takes you.
Is it only a year....I had assumed that you had been blogging for ages when I came across your fabulous creations! Love your style and your contagious sense of fun :) Congrats on your blogaversary and wishing you many more!
Fun eye candy! Congrats on a year. The arena of stampers is quite fabulous!
Happy Bloggin-versary, my friend! I'm not sure exactly when I discovered you, but from that day forward, you have exponentially enriched my life! Your creativity, both in cards and words, your sense of humour, your positive, encouraging spirit, your passion for...well, everything you do, your willingness to share your talents so generously...all these make you one of my best discoveries EVER! As Bev wrote so eloquently, I too look forward to meeting you 'for realzies' one of these days! You're such a gift. Oh yes, and your cards showcased today: how did you ever narrow down your fabulous gallery to these few? Talk about a challenge! In my world, all your cards, over the past 365 days, are works of art! Looking forward to many, many, many more Bloggin-versaries with you! Now, go out and celebrate: this calls for cake and ice cream at the very least!
Happy blog-anniversary my friend! So happy that you joined us in blog land and that we get to be inspired by you and your fabulous cards. And super thankful that we have met in person! xx
Happy blogaversary! I only discovered you recently but I was smitten and became a follower right away... ^_^
Congrats, Miss Lady!! LOVE all of these cards!! :)
I haven't been around from your beginnings (sadly), but I'm SO HAPPY to be around now! I LOVE visiting your blog, reading your posts and drinking in your creative works of art. You are a very special and dear to me blogging friend Michele, congrats on your bloggin-versary!!
A very happy blogaversary to you, dear friend! While I fairly recently found your blog, I know you have done wonderfully creative things since the beginning. It has been such fun to have you as part of the 12 Kits group. You provide so much inspiration in what you create as well as what you write. Love reading your posts--always a bright spot in any day!! HUGS!!
Happy First Birthaversary of your delightful blog, Michele! Cheers to many, many more!! You have enriched our lives with your brilliant card artistry!! Hugs, Darnell
Happy Anniversary! Greatjob!
Congrats on such a momentous anniversary and Cheers to enjoying many, many more!
Happy Blogaversary, Michele! I am so thankful I found your blog and YOU!!! Love your cards and your posts. HUGS!!!
Happy blogaversary Michele! You are a sweet gift to all of us . Like many others I LOVE your work and sweet silly comments.
Happy Blogaversary to you! What a milestone for you and a joy for us!
Happy Bloggin-versary, Michele! I'm so glad to have found your blog as you inspire me tremendously! Even more so, I'm glad for the new friend I've found in you! Your posts are so friendly, fun & welcoming -- I really enjoy visiting your blog!
How fabulous and doesn't time fly!! Happy Bloggin-versary and just imagine what you will blog about over the next 365 days....the possibilities with your amazing card making abilities are endless!! On a side note, we had another earthquake during the night...we seem to be on a roll......
Congrats Michelle on your one year of blogging. I love all my blog friends. Love those cards.
Congrats to you my friend, I always love to visit and see your amazing creations, and of course I know the next year will be just as much fun!
Happy Blogiversary to you! Blogland is a better place because you took a chance...love all your gorgeous cards, you really have an incredible gift! Congrats!
Congratulations on your first year, Michele! I absolutely love your work and your fun personality! This is an exciting day! Hugs!
Big, big congrats on one year, Michelle!!!! I always enjoy my visits here a LOT!!! You make the most beautiful cards!!!!
Have a lovely day!!!!
Seriously, has it only been a year?! Love your beautiful cards, your punny cards and everything in between, Michele!
Oh, I am so late to this very important party. Blame the teabags... I am sorry to just be seeing this gorgeous post now, but better late than never. Reading others' comments reiterates everything I have ever felt about you too. Your warmth is tangible, infectious and leaves an indelible impression on all of us. And that's before we talk about your out of this world cards. Thanks for your relentless support, Michele. Please accept my gratitude too, and from the bottom of my heart, HAPPY blogaversary! Here's to many more! Chink chink!
Michele ... you had your blogaversary and I didn't know! Sorry to be so late in adding my big CONGRATULATIONS to the many others here, mon amie ... I'm delighted you took the plunge and now play cards with us all with such style and panache ... and share yourself so wonderfully and happily across the blogosphere! It's a joy to know you ... you are a treasure! I'm sharing your 'merci' with you ... here's to many many more years! Hugs, Anita :)
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