Thursday, June 27, 2024

Townhouse or Ritz?

Long time no see, right?  Sorry to say that we had a really powerful storm that knocked out power in our neighborhood and a large part of our area!  So what's a card maker to do?  Water coloring was just what I needed to keep me calm - and no electricity required!

I have two cards for you.  Both just for fun and what fun images they were to paint!  The first plays along with Penny Black's Permission to Play Series #3.  Here is Jill's sketch:

Jill's cards are just adorable - be sure to see them HERE on their PB&J channel.  There was a third little guy in the PB Little Guy set... here is that little foot-baller!

I dug deep to find these 'hinged alphas' from EH - it was fun to put the KICK 
into the PB sentiment!  I borrowed the hexagons from his soccer ball for
my embossed edge and here are the distress inks that I painted him with:
in Manchester City FB colors! [I think?]

While we can't foretell what the weather will do, one can usually count on the post - and happy mail from friends!  This darling arrived on Wednesday and made me forget all my troubles - I couldn't resist coloring him right away!  bet you've been wondering about the title of my post haven't you... 

Inside sentiment from Tom:
I hope your birthday is WHEY better than the last one!
I couldn't help but add:
Hope you have lots of chances to say CHEESE!

Though it wasn't named, I think it has to be one of Spellbinders House Mouse designs, right?

That's all folks!
=] Michele


Marcia Hill said...

Both of these are absolutely ADORABLE Michele, and I'm so glad you had something to keep you busy while the power was out! Hope everything's back to normal and you didn't lose a lot of food?!! And yes, your last image is a House Mouse image, and I'll take a Townhouse with my cheese please!! Cute, CUTE!! Hugs. :0)

TK said...

Both cards are super fun, and beautifully painted, even with the lights out! You're amazing, Michele. Sorry about the storm, but you made great cards while you were in standby mode

lostinpaper said...

So happy to see that you are safe and plugged back into the Matrix. And YES, watercolouring is the perfect choice and such CUTE card too, gotta say!!

Jeanne said...

So sorry to hear that the storm messed up the power grid. That's some storm! You made excellent use of your time. Your watercoloring looks amazing. Your footballer is adorable! And that is definitely one happy mouse. I keep looking back at your cards and am impressed all over again. You are so talented!

Stephanie Lanzalotto said...

This is just a whole lot of sweetness and smiles, Michele. The third image in the Little guy set is just as cute as the other two, which are hard to beat. I love that you die cut the letters for "kick" and your wonderful loose coloring is so effective here. Also love that you embossed with hexagons on the side. Oh and that mouse! Love the image, your wonderful coloring and that sentiment is so gouda! Could not be better! Love these cards today!

LeAnne said...

So glad you got your power back on, but it's obvious that you didn't let your down time go to waste! Such cute cards! I have some of those House Mouse stamps and have barely used them! I think you may have inspired me (as always)!

Lisa Elton said...

Hope your power has been restored and that the fridge stayed cold! Your water coloring skills are enviable, wow are these ever cute! Love the scene you've plunked that cutie little soccer player in. Tom has a way (whey!!) with words, just like you! Shawn's late sister loved those house mouse images. This made me think of her <3

Cindy H. said...

Two delightfully sweet cards! Love them both! Good for Tom, too - he's a keeper for sure!

HilaryJane said...

I am really enjoying your water coloured cards. They are all so sweet and so well done. Sorry to hear about that storm. Our hot weather is leaving us now just in time for our holiday next week! xx

Bonnie said...

I'm so glad the little surprise boosted your day! Both cards are beautifully watercolored and the sentiments are perfect and so much fun!

Bobby said...

I remember you using that hinged alphabet before and it worked perfectly on the soccer card, Michele. The little boy is darling and you painted him so well. Love the puns on the mouse card.
Believe it or not we didn't lose power but a limb fell and damaged our car. Just waiting for insurance approval to get it fixed.