Friday, May 24, 2024

Freshly Made Sketches #637

We're heading out for a little getaway but before I frog-get, here is my card for Karren's fab Sketch at Freshly Made Sketches:

I found a unique way to add a little 'dappled' color to my Waffle Flower leaves:

I used this shelf/drawer liner to wrap one on TH blenders!

Kinda fun, right?  Here's a closeup of those sweet little Poppystamps Pond Frogs c. 2015:

Thanks for spending a little of your time with me this week!  Have a wonderful weekend!
=] Michele


TK said...

Adorably cute and very ingenious! Your liner makes the perfect daubbing texture

Linda Callahan said...

You are so clever - you definitely have a bit of MacGyver in you! Those frogs are cute as can be on their dappled leaves!

Dotty Jo said...

Lovely take on the sketch! Love the froggies, Jo x

HilaryJane said...

That is such a cool idea. I love the effect and those colours. Have a lovely getaway. Hope it is to somewhere nice and the sun shines for you xx

Lisa Elton said...

Love those little leapers! This is terrific, Michele. What a great idea for the leaves. They look so cool! Enjoy your getaway!

Bonnie said...

These frogs are so real looking and I love how you added the texture on the lily pads! A brilliant idea!

Marcia Hill said...

I love the dappled leaves Michele and those frogs are just perfect for sitting on them! Sweet, sweet card my friend!! And thanks for the "happy mail" today...I loved it!! Hugs. :0)

lostinpaper said...

Very clever and so much froggy fun here Michele!

Jeanne said...

So clever and creative! Your cards looks unfrogettable. Thanks for sharing. Hope you have a fun weekend!

Bobby said...

Now that's very creative, Michele. What a great way to color leaves and those frogs really appreciate having a nice place to rest.

Cat Craig said...

Great dappling. And you have added a load of fun to this sketch.

Leslie Miller said...

I love this too much to fit all the loves on one page! The frogs are too cute, and you even gave them some bitty bumps. The leaves and the swipe of color on the woodgrain base make it exactly perfect for the sketch. Genius texture tool you created for some extra inky wonderfulness. Enjoy your getaway! said...

Get you !!! How clever and the effect is stunning. I'm sure your froglets enjoyed the fab texture you created. I do hope you enjoy your get away.


donna mikasa said...

FUN take on the sketch!! Those froggies couldn't look happier on those ink smooshed leaves!

Cécile RIBON said...

Such a unique and delightful card, Michele! I love those cute frogs on their leaves

Papercraft Boutique said...

This is such a great take on the sketch, Michele! Using shelf/drawer liner for coloring the leaves is a brilliant idea! The colors and patterns of the leaves work perfectly with the cute pond frogs. The woodgrain background really adds to the scene, it totally looks like ripples in the pond!
Hideko xx