We've all heard that without rain there would not be rainbows, right? I'm adding a twist to those rainy thoughts today over at the Doodlebugs Blog!
Friday, March 31, 2023
Doodlebugs Friday!
Thursday, March 30, 2023
Freshly Made Sketches #579
Jen Timko is our host over at Freshly Made Sketches this week - she has given us such a fun Sketch for inspiration!
I hadn't played with my favorite bear in an age - he was out on my desk for another challenge but fit so well in Jen's oval!
Wednesday, March 29, 2023
Backgrounds brought to the forefront!
Hello again, my friends! I have one last piece of that fabulous Pinkfresh prize to share with you today ... the first time stenciling I used those same colors from The Stamp Market that I used while stamping with Marcia:
Tuesday, March 28, 2023
A Playdate with Marcia!
A day spent with my friend Marcia is always a treat - even better this time since it had been 4 months since we had gotten together! Need I say it? we had a blast!
I brought along a few sets to share and spent some time cutting and stamping some things from Marcia's stash - that's like the best no-cost shopping spree ever! Here is another card I made using her Morning Glories from The Greetery:

Marcia, thank you so much for your hospitality - and your friendship! I can't wait to do it again - sooner!
Okay. Now is the time when I thank you very much for stopping by, but now invite you to join me as I dash over to Marcia's blog to see how she finished her lovely panel! Let's go!
=] Michele

Monday, March 27, 2023
Some Bunnies love you!
I'll tell you, a trip to Marcia's is like a trip to Stamp-Disney - and it's ALL darling! Take these Happy Bunnies for instance ... they hadn't even crossed my radar when they were released at Papertrey Ink, and yet they are styled so much like those snowmen that I HAD TO have!
Hope you like them ... I'm convinced it is the Cadbury-Mini's-look of those eggs that I love most!
Sunday, March 26, 2023
Freshly Made Sketches and Peace on Earth Christmas
I had a bit of time in my studio today so I thought I would play in a few of my favorite challenges!
First up - Jacquie's Freshly Made Sketches #536:
Saturday, March 25, 2023
Just us Girls #672 Clean and Simple
It's my final week as guest designer for Just us Girls - it has been such fun being one of the JUGS! Week 4 is a Clean and Simple challenge - only 1/3 of the card can be used ... hope you have a ton of fun with that little bit of real estate!
Friday, March 24, 2023
Doodlebugs Friday!
Thursday, March 23, 2023
Triple B Challenge March 2023
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
Thirds, anyone?
My sweet friend Marcia has brought my relationship with blue a little closer - perhaps it's the fact that we're to combine it with turquoise? It worked beautifully for a stencil from Altenew... and gave me just the right time to bring out that gorgeous Alex Syberia Designs Spring Garden set again...
Monday, March 20, 2023
Color Hues #60 Second Helpings
It has been a wonderful day: sunshine, butterflies, and lunch out at a fantastic Greek restaurant - who could ask for more?? Well, as a matter of fact I have second helpings for my friends at Color Hues #60 - my day is complete!
Sunday, March 19, 2023
Class dismissed!
Saturday, March 18, 2023
Class is in session at The Stamp Market!
I'm enjoying the class I'm taking at The Stamp Market today ... here to show and share my work on card #1 and #2!
Card #1 is made pretty much following Amy's awesome instruction. For card #2 on right Amy had a cute pop up inside the card - but I thought there was just enough dimension on the front so I just went my own way on the front - aren't they cute? We were told that these supplies will be available to everyone soon!