Friday, May 17, 2024

Color Throwdown #793

Choices can be hard, but after my mail arrived there was no disputing what I was going to do with that stack of inks I'd chosen for Color Throwdown #793!  First, let me tell you about fabulous service...

Alex Syberia Design has been on a hiatus while sorting out moving her distribution center.  I'm very happy to report that it now resides in the USA - more importantly: in Michigan!  So yesterday when I placed an order at 11:02:57 AM I never could have imagined that the order would be filled and shipped at 12:03:54 AM the same day NOR did I ever in million years think my shipment would arrive at approximately 10AM the NEXT DAY!!  Friends - THAT is what I call exemplary service!

So it is with extreme gratitude that I'm happy to introduce my latest from ASD:  Heartfelt Blooms!  I bought the stencils and stamp set [and a few more].

ASD Meadow Magic cover plate, and a sentiment from 
A New Dream [a collaboration with SSS].
and just a few inks...

I'm sure you are all SHOCKED that I didn't use tulips!

I have not been asked to promote Alex's products, but I'm happy to do so! 
=] Michele


  1. Awesome customer service!!!
    This blooms bunch is DIVINE - your coloring SUBLIME!!

    Pure loveliness -hope you been well girl!!! Happy Spring!

  2. Wow! I wish I lived in Michigan... then I could go and browse through the shelves of ASD with you, though, I may have an empty wallet after lol. LOVE your beautiful card my friend x

  3. Alex Syberia was meant to be in Michigan! What a lucky duck you are! And your card is gorgeous--so many wonderful inks to bring out their loveliness!

  4. Gorgeous bloom for sure.That is some great service!

  5. Whooohooo! How fabulous for you! Could you even go and pick up your order? THAT would be awesome, wouldn't it! I'm so thrilled for you to have such wonderful service. The card you created is just beautiful. You have some of the prettiest ink colors and you use them wonderfully. Thanks so much for sharing, Michele. Have a happy day!

  6. With these flowers hot from the mail, I can see why you didn't use tulips! Awesome use of the colors and your new stash!

  7. So wonderful and vibrant. Absolutely love it. Lucky you to have Alex Syberia close by. I am a bit sad that she is not in the UK anymore though. Sorry if I have been absent. I have been on holiday for a few days in sunny Sussex. Although it did rain quite a bit! xx

  8. Your blossoms are divine, Michele! So glad you got that package delivered and put it to use straight away -- and we're blessed from it, tulips or not

  9. Oh, happy day! It's almost like visiting the shop in person! Beautiful new crafty goodness and, ohhh, those inks! You made a gorgeous card, Michele!

  10. Where in Michigan, Michele? One of her reps that I met at CREATE came all the way from Belgium. The colors of your flowers are so bright and beautiful, just the way I like them.

  11. Talk about hot off the press, that IS some fast service! Love the way your colorful blooms fill your card front. This is fabulous, Michele!

  12. Fabulously beautiful, as always!! Great choices on the inks!! Thanks so much for playing along with us at the Color Throwdown this week!

  13. Well you didn't do tulips but you captured the colros beautifully!


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=] Michele