What can I say about my October guest ... she is someone I've enjoyed and admired for years ... she really knows her way around words [some of my favorite things!] ... has captured the interest of an abundance of followers on Instagram both with her fabulous eye for card design and generous praise for others who create. OH, hey! I guess mentioning her name might be nice.
I'm so happy to be Playing Cards with Joan Bardee!! a.k.a Dear Paperlicious and @dearpaperlicious on Instagram!
There's something else I love about Joan: she LOVES a pun-y joke and has a slapstick charm about her sense of humor! You'll never guess how I have incorporated that into our assignment this month:
Did you know that October 31st isn’t just for
It’s also: National Knock-knock Joke Day!
Read all about it here:
JOKE DAY - October 31, 2023 - National Today
Use Halloween colors and share a
knock-knock joke, too!