Thursday, March 2, 2023

Time Out challenge #233 - Elegant


When my friend Stephanie's Time Out post arrived in my inbox this morning, I just knew I had to have another play time with Altenew's Magnolia Ballerina set - to be exact: the stencils, and stamps!  

I am doing my best to keep postage down to one stamp.  And I love using these BIG BOLD Altenew florals on my entire card base - but to do that and not 'mess up' the inside of my card with alcohol marker bleed-through, stamping is the only way to go.

Here's my process:
    Cut an A2 card base:  5.5 x 8 inches and use the stencils to color the image:

Next stamp the outline image in black, and your sentiment using one color and sub sentiment in black - no layers make this card super mailable:

Go ahead and add extra shadows with colored pencils - no bleed-through!

Score and fold!  Who says one-layer, get better, cards can't also be elegant?

Thanks so much for stopping by! and thanks, Stephanie for inspiring me to play along with Time Out challenge #233 today!

=] Michele 


  1. Ohhh, your finished product is gorgeous! Inks and pencils are definitely the way to go on a one layer card. I know it's pretty on the back, too, with the image carried over. You're amazing to see the email, then whip this beautiful thing out so quickly!

  2. Beautiful, Michele! Love the lavender color and how the outlining makes everything pop! One layer is an added bonus!

  3. Love the soft lilac coloring! This little beauty would lift anyone's spirits!

  4. This is so beautiful! It's one of my favorite stamps, and your design is wonderful--as are the lovely colors!

  5. Very pretty floral image, Michele, it's just gorgeous

  6. Beautiful flowers and beautiful inking on this elegant and oh so pretty card Michele!! I love the shades of purple and how this image goes over the back of the card too. Just simply lovely my friend!! Hugs. 😊

  7. Far be it from me to say that one layer cards cannot be elegant. The proof is in the pudding! Your card is extra elegant!

  8. I am so happy to see you in the TO gallery with this gorgeous and very elegant card. I love the purples for these beautiful blooms. I am so pleased that you were inspired by my creation!

  9. I've had that stamp set in and out of my cart so many times, Michele, but I'll leave it to you to make beautiful cards with it. I love the soft colors and the pencil shading. Thanks for sharing your card with us at Time Out.

  10. That bloom is lovely and the flow of it certainly strikes the elegant feel for me. Beautiful

  11. Simply Elegant and beautifully colored floral stamped cards, Michele. I love your wonderful sentiments too. TFS both beauties. Love and Hugs..nancy

  12. As usual, you have knocked it out of the ballpark my friend! Can I tell you a little story? Yesterday I was having a cuppa after Zumba, with my friend Linda and she was saying how your cards from the Altenew / Spellbinders collab were an inspiration. She was struggling with the stencils (something about how they didn't look right to her) but the way you used them... brilliant! She mentioned how well designed your cards are, perfectly balanced, with wonderful colour choices and my answer was 'I know'. Keep em coming!

  13. Perfect one layer card. What's not to love? xx

  14. Your magnolia is so elegant and beautiful, Michele! The extra shadows definitely add depth to the flowers. I love this one-layer card!
    Hideko xx

  15. Layers without layering! Gorgeous!

  16. This one layer card is amazing Michele! I don't do one layer very well, but you have master it for sure. The colors are just gorgeous with just the inking, but then with the black outline and shading with the colored pencils really brought these beautiful blooms to life. Just gorgeous my friend, just gorgeous! Hugs, Brenda

  17. I am a big fan of this Altenew saet and I love your beautiful card! Great colours. Thanks for joining us at Time Out Challenge:)

  18. Wow these flowers look great! Great colouring and love the colours you used! Thank you for joining us at TIME OUT!


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=] Michele