Friday, October 9, 2020

Essentials by Ellen October 2020 Release!


I know your hopping has been fun so far - so much to love in our October 2020 Release from Ellen Hutson, LLC!  If you've arrived here from the fabulous Lisa Spangler's blog, you are right on cue!  If this is your first stop, welcome!  You'll want to continue, as there are fun prizes to be won by one lucky hopper - more on that later.

I cannot wait to share with you the cards I've made using products from this release:  Merry Little Christmas, Birch Tree dies, and Snow Globe!  Ready, set, go!

[By the way ... who ever said the back side of a card can't be fun, too?  That's where the fun trail begins - the back of my card!]

Ready for the front? EBE Birch Tree Dies 
are the perfect woods by my cabin!  Those snowy
hills were debossed with EBE Landscapes dies.

While I'm being a rebel ... here's a way to make the inside of your card the star!

Pretty clean, and simple, right?
Open the card ... and see all the sparkle!

You might even see a little background if you look closely - compliments of

Thanks so much for hopping by ... it's time for me to send you on your way to Ardyth's blog!   BUT before you go, I promised a little information on that prize ... actually there are TWO!

One lucky commenter will win the whole Essentials by Ellen holiday release! And another will receive $25 to spend at! For a chance to win, just hop along, enjoy the fabulous eye candy, and leave a little love for your fellow crafters: increase your chances by commenting on each stop on the hop! Comments left before 11:59 PDT on October 14 will be entered to win. (Winners are selected randomly - and will be informed by email from EH)  I'd be so happy if one of my visitors won - good luck!

All these goodies, and more, are available now, right here, at Ellen Hutson, LLC - many thanks!

=]  Michele

Here's a full list of the Stops on the Hop!  Have fun!

1.    Ellen Hutson Blog

2.    Julie

3.    Adelina

4.    Laurel

5.    Jessica

6.    Carly

7.    Carolyn

8.    Sarah Zayas 

9.    Carissa

10. Emily Mydlowski

11. Kelly

12. Jen Wong  

13. Therese

14. Emily Midgett

15. France Wisniewski 

16. Lisa

17. Michele - you are here - thanks!

18. Ardyth

19. Sandy


  1. Totally love your snow globe card! What a great idea!

  2. Adorable sweet, Michele, you've inspired us again!

  3. Love how you used Merry Little Christmas and the Birch Tree die to create adorable cards.

  4. Oh my word Michele! You are so innovative and show these new goodies off beautifully!! Love them!!

  5. Oh creative! Love your creativity!

  6. These 2 cards are stunning and so inventive. Love the card journey on your first card and the teasing opaque snow globe front on your second card xx

  7. I always love your work, and these are no exception. The little cabin tucked behind the trees couldn't be more charming!

  8. You've outdone yourself once again, Michele! I love how you created little gems on the back and inside of your've made them really fun! Fabulous showcase of the newest goodies!

  9. Love all your beautiful cards! That snow globe card is my absolute favorite!

  10. Loving the minimal palettes on your cards, your designs are clean and elegant.

  11. Jodi - Mach1vn@hotmail.comOctober 9, 2020 at 2:56 PM

    LOVE the simple designs!!!

  12. The little car driving off the card is PERFECT!

  13. Simple, elegant but so eye catching. Really like your creations.

  14. Inside....outside.....backside....front side....your cards are fabulous from every angle!

  15. Fun and simple cards! Perfect for mass producing.

  16. I love the pairing of the birch trees die and little cabin on CAS adorable card! I also love the clever snow globe card.

  17. these sets are truly so great to create with and you have made them shine Michele (isn't that car the funnest)!

  18. That is a cool and innovative design.

  19. I love your clean and simple designs.

  20. You are one wild and crazy gal!!! I love the cards.

  21. Cute, CUTE cards Michele! You've made that Merry Little Christmas set SHINE my friend (love how you started your card on the back!!) and I'm loving what you did with the snow globe set too! Can definitely tell you had FUN with this release!!! Hugs and happy weekend. :0)

  22. Love your cards! So clever—especially the snow globe card.

  23. I follow your blog on Feedly, love your style and couldn't wait to see what you did with this great release and you did not disappoint! You did some real magic with the Merry Little Christmas set - one of my favs from the release. So homespun and sweet.

  24. Your little cabin in the woods is darling and how fun is the snow globe! Two delightful cards Michele!

  25. Love the house to house, maybe I'll try something new this year!

  26. Ooh, your snow globe card is a fun one! PLUS SO much easier to make than an actual shaker--I love that--especially when pressed for time! Thank you so much for sharing! :)

  27. Such simplicity with the Merry Little Christmas stamp.

  28. Totally love both of these cards - can't pick a favorite! Love the little car driving up the hill on the BACK of the card, no less! And love the idea of the snowglobe opening up to the little village. Wonderful!!

  29. Marisela Delgado said: Such beautiful cards!

  30. Simple, clean and elegant. And a great use of the negative space.

  31. Such fun cards! Love your front & back winter scene with the adorable little car and the birch trees, and your snow globe card is just fabulous too! What a treat!

  32. I love that you stamp on the back of your cards! You are so creative with the way you used the release. I love it!

  33. How fun, Michele ... cute, clever, creative ... the snow globe is a delight (and such a lovely surprise inside) ... and your sweet cabin scene is fantastic! Think you'd need a bigger car to fit in everyone who wanted to come visit ... whether they came from the back of the card ... or further! Hugs, Anita :)

  34. I'm absolutely loving your creations with these goodies.. Every one is wonderful!

  35. To grandmother's house we go! Or to her cabin in the woods. Or maybe her little sparkly village in the snowglobe. You are remarkable, Michele. I just sit back in awe of what you dream up when you are creating. Wow!

  36. These are all wonderful. The cabin in the woods is my fav. LOVE it!

  37. What a fun surprise on the back of the card! Love the cozy cottage and those hills! Another surprise on the second card! Kind of like a Tootsie Roll Pop with all the good stuff inside!

  38. LOVE your cards but the snow globe - fabulous! I love your new idea of a shaker card. I may have to try to make and maybe use a piece of acetate for the globe. Thank you for sharing.

  39. This set is perfect for you. You did an amazing job with it. Thanks for sharing your inspiration!

  40. Great use of products. I love the cabin in the snow and the car with the tree on top!Thanks for sharing!

  41. Super cards! I especially love the first one. What a great idea to include an image on the back of the card - love this idea!

  42. The snow globe card is fantastic! Creative and whimsical!
    Thanks for sharing!

  43. WOW! Thank you for the inspiration. Absolutely beautiful cards!

  44. I love the car on the back of your card! Too cute!!

  45. There you go - gettin' your crafty mojo cranking' on overdrive again! I love the card back idea and this is the perfect set to create a panel story scene with! Yippee!
    Hugs - Rachelle : )

  46. Michele, your cards are so sweet touching! Really feels like Christmastime in the midwest with all that adorable white snow!
    Warm Hugs,
    Michele H.

  47. These cards are wonderful. Great tip to add something fun to the back.

  48. I love all the blues you used in your samples.

  49. Such a creative and fun first card and loving that trail both on the front and the back x. Unique and clever second card with a fabulous and sparkly inside x.

  50. I'm usually not a fan of CS cards-but gotta say, all of your cards are terrific! Something about the white background just looks so elegant. Awesome job!

  51. Wonderful cards and inspiration. I especially like the globe card with the surprise inside.

  52. I love how you started on the back of the darn cute! I think it was my favorite part of the card.

  53. Your cards are amazing!! I especially LOVE the little tree scene you created!!

  54. Your cards are fantastic. I love the clean and simple ones. So very clever ❤

  55. Love the frosted snow globe!!

  56. Oh, I want that little car and everything on your first card! Truly is a wonderful release!

  57. Such a great card, I love the back!

  58. How interesting to see the ride start from the back of the card and continue to the front! Adding the debossed lines to the snowy ground is clever and effective!
    The snow glove card has a fun surprise inside. The image is so pretty with the sparkly snow & sequins, and the subtle woodgrain pattern! Love both cards!
    Hideko xx

  59. Beautiful cards! That little car is so cute! 🙂

  60. One of the best Xmas releases I've seen so far! So so hard to keep to my no-spend vow for Xmas releases as already hv two boxes full of them!

  61. LOVELY projects! Such an awesome release!

  62. Love these cards! Especially the snow globe -- so clever.

  63. I love the cards with the little car. How cute and simple and gorgeous! The snowglobe card was beautiful too.

  64. I love these new stamps sets!!!

  65. I love the way you did the snow globe.
    the first cards are simple but so
    pretty. Don't always need a lot of
    fuss for a great card. thanks for
    sharing. txmlhl(at)yahoo(dot)com

    this might be a duplicate. I
    don't see the comment I think
    I made earlier. thanks.

  66. I love how you're able to keep your card simple but really interesting especially with these of white.

  67. wow, both cards are so creative! Beautifully done!

  68. Simple style but still full of style.

  69. I love how you used this new release!

  70. Great cards. Love the one with the cabin.

  71. The new EH release has a little something for everyone!!

  72. That birch tree cover plate is so versatile. That's on my must have list.

  73. I like the cabin scene. Nice sample shares.

  74. Just WOW! I love your creativity, putting the little car on the back of the card to start the journey to the front of the card was just fabulous. So so adorable and fun? And the snow globe being a sneak peek to the inside of the card was a fantastic idea too, so different than just a window/shaker type card. I will have to start following your blog for more creative ideas.

  75. Cute little cards. I like white space.

  76. beautifully done cheerful and festive.
    xx Karen

  77. Love all three cards.
    What a wonderfully fun release. Love the light, artsy, fun images.
    Thanks for the wonderful inspiration.

  78. What a great release! Such fun cards and inspiration! Thank you!

  79. You are so creative and make me so excited to start creating (using your ideas). Thank you, thank you and thank you!!!

  80. Your cards have such beautiful white space...and every detail is perfect! Thank you for sharing!

  81. Your snow globe card is amazing!!!! Love it.

  82. Love your snow globe card - spectacular idea! Thanks for sharing!

  83. I bet your cabin in the woods is tucked safely away from the risks of the virus. Looks like such a cute place to squirrel away!

  84. I LOVE your clean and simple, but elegant, style! TFS!


Thanks for stopping by! Your visits really make me smile, and your comments are so appreciated! Please note that this blog is public, and in commenting, you do so publicly, and any link back to your blog, or email address, are also public. If you are a 'no reply blogger' and have questions, please leave me your email and I will do my best to answer them!
=] Michele