Saturday, March 18, 2023

Just us Girls #671 Photo or Mood Board

There is no denying that creating cards using a Mood Board or photo has always been a favorite of mine ... thanks Elizabeth for creating this gorgeous board to inspire us all!

Hello again, my friends - week three as a Just us Girls guest designer was a delight!

I asked for an enlargement of the board, so I thought I'd share it with you - 

Don't think you can't combine a few of these photos if you want to - I did:
the daisies on the blue painted wood met up with the yellow gingham across the board, and even a little HELLO from the center square came together for my card today!  Enough said:

I just adore these Gerbera Daisies from Uniko - definitely Top 10 of my favorite sets!  I heat embossed in white onto watercolor cardstock, then used a few inks to add color with a water brush: mustard seed, mowed lawn, and CP Twilight to be exact.

We can't wait to see which photo[s] will inspire you to play cards with us this week!  Don't think you can't make more than one - wink!  Let's go see what the JUGS team made... I know I'm going to love them!

=] Michele

HoneyBee: Gingham Galore PP
Craft Consortium: wood textures PP


  1. Gerberas are definitely on the top of my list of flowers I love. It's wonderful how you creatively used multiple elements for your card.

  2. Lovely inspired card. Love the hint of great and those flowers great coloring

  3. Looking at the know that yellow gingham caught my eye and then WOW your card. Fabulous.

  4. I can totally see why those Gerbera Daisies are a favorite of yours Michele...they are SO lovely against that yellow gingham! You've water colored them just perfectly too! Sweet, SWEET card my friend!! Hugs. :0)

  5. Fabulous moodboard inspired card Michele! The first time I saw it I thought warm summer day in the shade with some lemonade! I love your white embossing and the way you watercolored the images!!! And the gingham is like a tablecloth we think of for spring or summer too! Love it all!

  6. All that yellow -- lovelovelove! Flowers on gingham with a smidgen of woodgrain, sweetly designed and, oh, so pretty... I feel like someone just turned the sunshine on!

  7. I love those daisies too and haven't used them nearly enough. You have arranged them so cleverly here. They look wonderful in white against the gingham background. Thanks for the inspiration xx

  8. These gerberas are among my favorites too, Michele! Beautifully colored an so perfect for spring!

  9. These Gerberas never get old. I love the gingham background and the detail of your sentiment circle in wood grain. Lovely card.

  10. I love that you took so many elements of the fun Mood Board and came up with such a striking card. Your soft coloring is perfect! You are certainly making the DT have to step it up to keep up with you!

  11. This is just as sweet as can be Michele! You had me at the sunny gingham!

  12. Well Michele, you are really good at creating with these mood boards and inspiration photo's-but your creative juices always seem to be flowing! I love this sweet card! It's has the look of innocence to it. Love those daisies as well and the way you did them make them even more gorgeous. Who doesn't love gingham and daisies?!!! It's a beautiful, CAS to me card! Hugs, Brenda

  13. I do love it when you bring those fabulous Gerbera Daisies out to play! They look right at home with that strip of sweet gingham. Pretty card, Michele!

  14. I love how you were inspired!! Your daisies are absolutely gorgeous!

  15. Delightful daisy! And very sweet card!

  16. Your daisies are gorgeous! Love how you paired them with the yellow gingham and the woodgrain sentiment circle. Beautiful design! We were definitely thinking on the same lines!

  17. Fabulous, Michele. Just fabulous!

  18. I love how you too also took inspiration from a few of the photos on that fabulous mood board. Love the subtle colours and lovely layout. So so pretty Michele.

  19. You always create magic with the Uniko gerbera and this card is no exception; it's absolutely gorgeous! As always, your eye-for-design dazzles and delights!

  20. I love this card, Michele! Such a great take on the photos.
    Fantastic idea to use the light blue wood plank for the circle sentiment label! Gerbera Daisies are my favorite flowers, and the Uniko's Gerbera Daisy set is one of my favorites too.
    Hideko xx


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=] Michele