Friday, August 6, 2021

Storybook Coloring with Daniel West

I attended as much of the Card-maker's Christmas Summit as I had time for.  The first session was taught by Daniel West of Del & Artie fame.  Daniel taught us how to use a storybook style of Copic coloring on a few of those darling Colorado Craft Company's Anita Jeram illustrated stamp sets.  I am the owner of a few - wink.

Here's are the two cards I made using Daniel's style - it's really about NOT blending, and perhaps exaggerating some of the shading.  He does it so much better so go looking for him, please.  @delandartie on Instagram... and blog:  Del & Artie ( 

I've had the worst luck.  After stamping these images, I lost the rest of the stamps for the set - oh you know I've looked everywhere.  I'm hoping some day they'll just magically appear, stuck to the bottom of some other set.  For these cards, I've borrowed some fun sentiments from another set - yes.  there are more.

We're busy blooming butterflies - so don't think I've disappeared again if I don't get to you right away!  It's a busy time on our front porch!  Stop over if you can!

=]  Michele


  1. Oh, I had a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach when I read your post...been there, done that. STILL waiting to find a favorite one I lost last year. Boohoo. Anyway, your cards are totally adorable and I just love that style!

  2. Those images are perfect for that effect.

  3. Oh my goodness...I really LOVE your cards, Michele! Your Copic coloring is fabulous and I love the polka-dot backgrounds! Love these cute images, too...
    I lost a small stamp set yesterday, and the first thing I thought was 'This wouldn't happen to Michele'! I swear!!! Yes, I'm sure it's stuck to the back of another set...Geez! I said a prayer to St. Anthony, but he must be very busy :( I'll put in a good word for you, too ~ xx

  4. you're so lucky to have attended the card summit and sit in on one of Daniel West's sessions. Two awesome cards, love that style and those stamps ♥

  5. These are darling!! I also watched this class and you ROCKED it!!! I hope your images turn up soon!!

  6. Perfectly colored! I do enjoy the non-blending on cartoon-like images, it works wonderfully. Two great cards, Michele!
    Stop by?!?! Well yes, ma'am, I'd love to (wink)

  7. Such fun images for your wonderfully watercolored Christmas card. Hope you find you stamps, Michele...when not looking you will probably find them stuck to! We have all done that....Love and Hugs..Nancy

  8. The style of colouring looks wonderful Michele and both cards are adorable. I love the super size of that happy snowman x. Had a chuckle about mislaying a few stamps.......You are not x. Enjoy your blooming with those amazing butterflies x.

  9. Fantastic cards, Michele. I'm so impressed! You have such a wonderful touch when it comes to cardmaking. I hope that your stamps will show up! What a dreadful feeling. I can attest that I had lost a stamp a long time ago(maybe over a year ago) and looked all over for it to no avail. Not long ago I was looking for something else entirely and lo and behold that stamp turned up! Wasn't even on my radar. So I hope you find what you are looking for and sooner than a year! And I cannot wait to see more of your butterflies. What a magical time of year for you. Hugs!

  10. These are fabulous! This is how I color her images as well and I adore the look. Love your polka backgrounds.

  11. Oh, no, I hope those bunnies find their way back to you, Michele! Sometimes they do stick where they shouldn't! Love both of these! Great coloring and layouts! They both make me smile! Have a great weekend!

  12. So glad to see you getting good use out of your Anita Jeram stamps. Love both these cards and the colouring style. I am so glad other people lose things too. I really don't know what happens but things just vanish off my desk. I am currently missing one of my set of nesting circle dies and, of course, it is the one I use most. it's been missing for ages now. They usually turn up eventually so have faith. Love seeing your amazing butterflies on instagram xx

  13. Sweet, adorable cards with perfect coloring! The images are ideal for this style. I sure hope you find your stamp set. It's happened to me, too. After I stopped looking it showed up in an unlikely place.

  14. I'd LOVE to stop over and see the flutterby nursery but...well, you know, circumstances. Anyhoo, I thought Daniel's storybook method was lovely for CCC's Anita Jeram stamps, just haven't got around to it yet. You, on the other hand and as usual, picked it up like a pro and made it look easy. Both these cards are simply adorable. I love that big snowman. Hope those other stamps magically appear soon so you can make more cards like this.

  15. Wow Michele, both of these snowmen cards are amazing! Looks to me like you have the "not" blending down as I totally love the "harsh" shadows on Mr. Snowman and Mr. Bunny! The shadows are placed perfectly and I can all but see that sun shinning down on them. Love, love, love them! I saw you are having a lot of action at your house again! lol It's amazing and I love that you and hubby do this. Hugs, Brenda

  16. Two adorable cards, Michele! You did a wonderful job of shading in Daniel's style! The polka dot backdrop and back panel make the cute images look even cuter!
    Hideko xx

  17. These are fabulous Michele! I hear you with your frustration, I've lost dies and stamps over the years and sometimes they turn up in the weirdest of places.... I once found a MISTI magnet on my toaster in the kitchen (go figure)!

  18. Michele...laughing with you. I can't tell how much stuff I find stuck to the underneath of my Dahle paper cutter. It is metal and both cling and acrylic stamps stick beautifully. But I also made the mistake of having it too close to the magnets for my "Misti". Now I have a set of three magnets stuck to the bottom... and with that now my dies are sticking as well! I can't get the magnets off because they are too strong. Now I just look there first if something is missing.
    I discovered Daniel on YouTube and have watched him color a number of times...definitely a different style but perfect for the Anita Jeram stamps. I, too, just took in a haul of them. Absolutely love the designs, and am working my way through!
    BTW... good luck with the butterflies! Have a friend who has intensely gardened throughout COVID, and now has a quarter acre butterfly garden. Amazing to walk through! All the best.

  19. So darling, Michele, and the big polka dots pull you in. You'll find the stamps. Remember I said I lost the big leaf to my tulip? I found it on another die cut flower recently.

  20. You know this bunny and that snowman make my heart go pitter pat! Oh goondess, these are just too darn cute! Sure hope those stamps turn up. Perhaps they're hiding among that polka dot paper?

  21. That technique is a game changer! Looks fabulous with this set!

  22. Your cards looks amazing Michele! I love your colouring and the clver use of the DP. I am yet to try out the story book style of colouring. Soon maybe!!?? I do hope your stamps show up soon. I know how frustrating it is. I have a few set with missing stamps. Somehow always the ones I love! ?!?! Stay safe! :)

  23. I lost a brand new stamp last week and never even got to use it! I feel your pain. Great cards, Michele, love them both! Jo x

  24. Michele these cards are so much fun. I just want to make them exactly as you did!! If anyone has been not around it's me. trying to back to visiting and making again!

  25. Looks like the lesson paid off... Terrific cards!

  26. These are both darling Michele! Your comic book coloring came out perfectly. I love the view of the second image. Oh, how cute!!!! The CC images are all so irresistible!

  27. So love this technique and these cards. I hope St. Anthony comes through. I am tagging onto Barb Ghig's request to him as I am missing some stamps that I really want to find....


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=] Michele