Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Pigment Craft Co. Guest

Welcome friends, and fellow card makers!  I'm back today to share more of the wonderful products from the August release at Pigment Craft Co.  If this is your first time visiting,  HERE are all the details from release day!

Ahhhhh Autumn - what's not to FALL in love with?  Cooler temps, and a more color-filled world - at least in my little corner of the world!  Which brings us to my cards - and the sweet Hello Autumn Split Sentiment & coordinating die

I took full advantage of this fabulous Latte Heart cover plate
to create my very first FULL shaker!  A shaker full of sequins I've had
since the sequin rage was new - it's about time I used a few of these PPP in
Lime Sorbet, Marigold, and Tangerine.  I'm happy to share a step by step instruction,
if any of you would like that - let me know in the comments!
I created this fun glitter embossing powder by mixing some WOW glitter, with
some clear embossing powder!  

While I had my box of embellies out, I found a wee baggie of 
the teensiest seed beads, in all the right colors.  Undoubtedly leftovers from
one of the fabulous 12 Kits gals!  and the perfect size for a tiny shaking leaf - one made using
both the Falling Leaves Shaker dies, which cuts the outline to build up a well,  
and Falling Leaves die, which I used to make the backer to hold it all in easily.

You've no doubt noticed the gorgeous Cozy Stitches background - one among the many released this month - you might know it has indeed become a favorite!  So here she is again...

As much as I adore orange - pumpkins, and gourds, in these shades always jump right into my arms at the Farmer's Market!  PCC's Pumpkin Patch stamps, and dies 
made them so fun to recreate! and the Latte Heart Elements, and dies were the perfect little sentiment for them. 

There are a few more, but I'm saving them for my post on the Pigment Craft Co. blog today!  Hope you take another few moments to stop over there to see them!  Thank you!

=]  Michele

Remember!  There is a free gift with qualifying purchase, and shipping codes on the 


  1. Loving all 3 of these beautiful cards Michele, but especially your mini leaf shaker card and the last card in the greens!! And I am definitely loving that background cover plate die...make sure that one's sitting out next week!! FABULOUS cards my friend!! Hugs. :0)

  2. Anyone can see that Fall MUST be your favorite season because, clearly, it inspires you. Due to you, making a full shaker of my own is going to be required. Yours is outstanding...plus, you got to use up some of those sequins. You wouldn't think anything as small as those tiny beads on your second card would make such an impact, but they certainly do. Look perfect on the embossed background. Lastly, those gourds on your card are fantastic in that color. You sure have been using that talent of yours in the best way possible.

  3. Three perfect cards, I love them all, those wonderful sequins on the first, that cute little leaf shaker and the background die on the second and those greens on your third. The only trouble with autumn is that it comes before winter and winter is the hardest part of the year for me xx

  4. Gorgeous cards, Michele! I especially love the cover plates you used and the leaf shaker!

  5. These are such fun and my fave is the 'green' version, it's so out fo the box!!

  6. I saw all of your beautiful works of art on the Pigment blog! What a treat to see this incredibly FUN shaker here on your blog ~ WOWEE! Congrats again on guesting, my friend you have most definitely rocked it!

  7. Wowza! That must be my favorite, most-used word in my comments on your blog, because all of these are wowza-worthy! I love pumpkins, I love leaves, and I love all of these! That last one in the green...swoon-worthy as well!

  8. Love, love, love the cp die and your fabulous cards! I think the green pumpkins are simply amazing, but then again, so are all the cards

  9. All three of these cards are perfectly beautiful Michele! I love the embossed background to set off these wonderful signs of fall. The green gourd on the last card is my fave!

  10. Oh Michele, this is a wonderful celebration of autumn. Yay for a full card shaker. Yours is fabulous (of course)! Wonderful colors and I like that cover die as well as the sparkle. Your second card has a cozier feel and is oh so pretty. Those seed beads are the perfect touch. Then you really wow us with the star of this show! Oh my goodness, LOVE the green. SO very pretty. Never would have thought of it, but man it works wonderfully. Leave it to you to expand my thinking! Thanks so much for sharing these delightful works of heart. :)

  11. These are beautiful. Makes me miss fall. I do love that green one best though. Something different.

  12. Wow! See?! This is why you are a GD! These are stunning! I love that "hello autumn" die. First and second card are so fun as only a shaker can be. I love those yummy autumn colors! And the sparkle too of course. lol I am in love with the last card, the colors are so gorgeous!!! Hugs, Brenda

  13. These are fabulous! Love that cover die! But the green pumpkin card blew me away……I can’t think past orange….wow it is amazing!

  14. Wow, wow, wow, Michele! What an awesome full shaker card! The little leaf shaker wins my heart! Love, love, love that! I don't think I've ever seen green pumpkins or gourds, but I find that if I do find them, they will be my new favorite Fall decoration! The cover plate backgrounds are always a hit in my book! Awesome job of Guest Designing, my friend!

  15. I just made a full shaker too, Michele, which will be showing up later, but yours is fabulous with those autumn colors. I love the idea of mixing glitter with embossing powder. The greens on the pumpking card are wonderful.

  16. I LOve your FULL shaker card, Michele! It’s so cute and fun! The color of mixed glitter is awesome!
    The leafy shaker and the tiny “o” shaker are the cutest! The green pumpkin and gourds are so unique and beautiful. Love the shades of greens. The cover plate background is always a nice touch!
    Hideko xx

  17. This Pigment gig of yours is presenting a whole new financial and storage problem for me. I love every single one of them, and then when you add the MF touch, irresistibility sets in. I love the blue/green pumpkins and gourds as well, and you have worked your magic with these. I so love the sentiment too.

  18. Congrats on your Guest spot with Pigment, Michele...You've showcased their release beautifully! I love all 3 cards, but I must say my fave is the last one...your green pumpkin and acorns are gorgeous, especially with the embossed background! xx


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=] Michele