Sunday, May 26, 2024

Second helpings! FMS637

I love Karren's Sketch #637 so much I made another card!  Thanks, Karren, and Freshly Made Sketches!  this time, I turned that Sketch around:

One might wonder why there isn't a frog sitting on one of these
 [Altenew] lotus leaves!

Due to a disappointing location, we cut our trip short ... the hour spent on the Ambassador Bridge [each way no less] could not have helped... live and learn, we say.  Besides, there's no place like home - especially for the holiday weekend!
=] Michele


HilaryJane said...

Oh dear, sorry to hear that your trip went a bit wrong. I always say that the best thing about going away is coming home again! you are right, home is the best place. love the card, of course. Great colours and an interesting landscape design xx

Leslie Miller said...

There you go again -- another clever use of the sketch and so very pretty! An hour on the bridge each way... must be the Memorial weekend traffic I'm guessing. I'm sorry your weekend didn't turn out quite as planned, but I agree that there's no place like home.

lostinpaper said...

ooh yes, I don't tend to travel anywhere on a 'long weekend' (we call them), I also avoid school holidays but now that is getting harder as they have spread them out over the year, maybe I'll just stay a hermit and be at home making cards lol. This is beautiful Michele... and another set I think I put into purge that I may have to rethink, it's those leaves, your colouring is amazing!

Lisa Elton said...

Well shucks, sorry your trip was a bust. On the bright side, you got to make this pretty card! Happy Memorial Day to you and Tom!

LeAnne said...

Those florals are gorgeous, and yes, I feel like a little frog would look right at home on one of those leaves! Sorry your trip went awry! There's no place like home is right!

Linda Callahan said...

This is so sweet - pretty greens and blues! And yes holiday travel is never fun!

Jeanne said...

Beautiful card! Oh man, sorry about the vacation diappointment. That's a bummer!

Cat Craig said...

I love that sketch in landscape, thanks for turning it around.

JoAnn said...

Sorry your trip was disappointing. Home is the best place. Love your beautiful card and the colors.

Marcia Hill said...

Beautiful and looks perfect in the horizontal position too! Sorry to hear about your weekend plans not panning out...hopefully the next road trip goes better!! Hugs. :0)

Bonnie said...

These colors are so pretty, Michele! I love this orientation and the off the edge design! Holiday traffic is the worst! Sorry your little getaway didn't work out. I'm sure you found something fun to do at home.

donna mikasa said...

Super creative take on the sketch! Feels like old times at CTS! Sorry to hear about your trip--maybe try again on a non holiday weekend?

Cécile RIBON said...

Another fabulous take on our sketch ! So fresh and striking! Thanks again for joining in this week's FMS party!

Barb Gmitro Best said...

Congratulations on being chosen Queen at FMS. Well deserved, such a gorgeous card!!!

TK said...

Beautiful! Congrats, Queenie!

donna mikasa said...

Congratulations Michele! I just felt this beauty was a winner and I was right! Chicken dinners all around!

Bobby said...

So sorry your getaway was a disappointment, Michele. But I'm glad it gave you more time to make this fabulous card. And a winning one no less.